[V1.2.3-RELEASE] 2019.09.09 ????
⭐️ New Features 项目运行环境安装脚本 CentOS快速构建/部署/启动项目脚本 ⚡️ Optimization 优化 maven-assembly-plugin 项目打包插件 ???? Added/Modified Add install-jdk.sh yum安装jdk8脚本 Add install-git.sh yum安装git脚本 Add install-maven.sh yum安装maven脚本 Add install-redis.sh yum安装redis脚本 Add install-mysql.sh yum安装mysql脚本 Add install-all.sh 安装所有环境脚本 Add download-install-all.sh 下载并安装所有环境脚本 Add deploy.sh 下载项目/构建/部署/启动项目脚本 ???? Documentatio
CentOS Quick Installation Environment / Build / Deploy / Launch Spring-boot-plus Project
???? Dependency Upgrades Upgrade to springboot 2.1.8.RELEASE Upgrade to Mybatis 3.5.2 Upgrade to Mybatis Plus 3.2.0 Upgrade to Alibaba Druid 1.1.20 Upgrade to Fastjson 1.2.60 Upgrade to commons-codec 1.13 Upgrade to commons-collections 4.4 Upgrade to hutool-all 4.6.4 CentOS快速安装环境/构建/部署/启动spring-boot-plus项目 1. 下载安装脚本
安装 jdk, git, maven, redis, mysql
wget -O download-install-all.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geekidea/spring-boot-plus/master/docs/bin/install/download-install-all.sh
2. 运行安装脚本
sh download-install-all.sh
3. 修改MySQL密码
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Springbootplus666!'; exit mysql -uroot -pSpringbootplus666!
4. 导入MySQL脚本
create database if not exists spring_boot_plus character set utf8mb4; use spring_boot_plus; source /root/mysql_spring_boot_plus.sql; show tables; exit
5. 下载部署脚本 deploy.sh
wget -O deploy.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geekidea/spring-boot-plus/master/deploy/deploy.sh
6. 执行脚本
sh deploy.sh
ring-boot-plus Swagger文档页面
8. 查看项目运行日志
tail -f -n 1000 /root/spring-boot-plus-server/logs/spring-boot-plus.log
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